
Journals and Book Chapters

Journal Publications 


  • Kim, Mirae, Xinlong Wang, Yiming Li, Zitong Lin, Caralyn P. Collins, Yugang Liu, Yujin Ahn, Joseph W. Song, Chongwen Duan, Yi Zhu, Cheng Sun, Tong-Chuan He, Yuan Luo, Russell R. Reid,Guillermo A. Ameer, “Personalized composite scaffolds for accelerated cell-and growth factor-free craniofacial bone regeneration.” Bioactive Materials 41 (2024): 427-439. (Link)
  • Szydlowska, Beata M., Yonghui Ding, Connor Moore, Zizhen Cai, Carlos G. Torres-Castanedo, Caralyn P. Collins, Evan Jones, Mark C. Hersam, Cheng Sun, and Guillermo A. Ameer. “Polydiolcitrate–MoS2 Composite for 3D Printing Radio-Opaque, Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, no. 34 (2024): 45422-45432. (Link)
  • Yang, Xinyan Leng, Junqing, Sun, Cheng, Keten, Sinan, Highly Ordered 2D Open Lattices Through Self-Assembly of Magnetic Units. Adv. Funct. Materials (2024), 2412326. (Link)
  • Kim, Mirae, Xinlong Wang, Yiming Li, Zitong Lin, Caralyn P. Collins, Yugang Liu, Yujin Ahn et al. “Personalized composite scaffolds for accelerated cell-and growth factor-free craniofacial bone regeneration.” Bioactive Materials 41 (2024): 427-439. (Link)
  • Brenner, Benjamin, Wei-Hong Yeo, Youngseop Lee, Junghun Kweon, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Implementation and calibration of spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy.” bioRxiv (2024): 2024-08. (Link)
  • Ding, Yonghui, Liam Warlick, Mian Chen, Eden Taddese, Caralyn Collins, Rao Fu, Chongwen Duan et al. “3D-printed, citrate-based bioresorbable vascular scaffolds for coronary artery angioplasty.” Bioactive Materials 38 (2024): 195-206. (Link)
  • Fang, Raymond, Pengpeng Zhang, Daniel Seunggi Kim, Cheng Sun, Junghun Kweon, Alex S. Huang, and Hao F. Zhang. “In Vivo Visible-light Optical Coherence Tomography for Imaging the Full 360 Degrees of the Conventional Outflow Pathway.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65, no. 7 (2024): 4265-4265. (Link)
  • Yeo, Wei-Hong, Benjamin Brenner, Youngseop Lee, Junghun Kweon, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Maximizing photon utilization in spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy using symmetrically dispersed dual-wedge prisms.” bioRxiv (2024). (Link)
  • Collins, Caralyn P., Junqing Leng, Rao Fu, Yonghui Ding, Guillermo Ameer, and Cheng Sun. “Investigation of 3D Printed Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold Crimping Behavior.” Advanced Materials Technologies 9, no. 8 (2024): 2301698. (Link)
  • Brenner, Benjamin, Fengyuanshan Xu, Yang Zhang, Junghun Kweon, Raymond Fang, Nader Sheibani, Sarah X. Zhang, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Quantifying nanoscopic alterations associated with mitochondrial dysfunction using three-dimensional single-molecule localization microscopy.” Biomedical Optics Express 15, no. 3 (2024): 1571-1584. (Link)
  • Cai, Zhen, Yang Zhang, Raymond S. Fang, Benjamin Brenner, Junghun Kweon, Cheng Sun, Jeffrey L. Goldberg, and Hao F. Zhang. “Multiscale imaging of corneal endothelium damage and Rho-kinase inhibitor application in mouse models of acute ocular hypertension.” Biomedical Optics Express 15, no. 2 (2024): 1102-1114. (Link)
  • Yeo, Wei-Hong, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Physically informed Monte Carlo simulation of dual-wedge prism-based spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy.” Journal of Biomedical Optics 29, no. S1 (2024): S11502-S11502. (Link)
  • Kim, Daniel, Raymond Fang, Pengpeng Zhang, Cheng Sun, Guorong Li, Christa Montgomery, Simon WM John, W. Daniel Stamer, Hao F. Zhang, and C. Ross Ethier. “In vivo quantification of anterior and posterior chamber volumes in mice: implications for aqueous humor dynamics.” bioRxiv (2024): 2024-07. (Link)
  • Tropp, Joshua, Caralyn P. Collins, Xinran Xie, Rachel E. Daso, Abijeet Singh Mehta, Shiv P. Patel, Manideep M. Reddy, Sophia E. Levin, Cheng Sun, and Jonathan Rivnay. “Conducting polymer nanoparticles with intrinsic aqueous dispersibility for conductive hydrogels.” Advanced Materials 36, no. 1 (2024): 2306691. (Link)


  • Lee, Youngseop, Qiangzhou Rong, Ki-Hee Song, David A. Czaplewski, Hao F. Zhang, Junjie Yao, and Cheng Sun. “Theoretical and experimental study on the detection limit of the micro-ring resonator based ultrasound point detectors.” Photoacoustics 34 (2023): 100574. (Link)
  • Neely, Amy E., Yang Zhang, Laura A. Blumensaadt, Hongjing Mao, Benjamin Brenner, Cheng Sun, Hao F. Zhang, and Xiaomin Bao. “Nucleoporin downregulation modulates progenitor differentiation independent of nuclear pore numbers.” Communications Biology 6, no. 1 (2023): 1033. (Link)
  • Yeo, Wei-Hong, Yang Zhang, Amy E. Neely, Xiaomin Bao, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Investigating uncertainties in single-molecule localization microscopy using experimentally informed Monte Carlo simulation.” Nano letters 23, no. 16 (2023): 7253-7259. (Link)
  • Yang, Xinyan, Junqing Leng, Cheng Sun, and Sinan Keten. “Self‐Assembled Robust 2D Networks from Magneto‐Elastic Bars.” Advanced Materials Technologies 8, no. 14 (2023): 2202189. (Link)
  • Lee, Youngseop, Hao F. Zhang, and Cheng Sun. “Highly sensitive ultrasound detection using nanofabricated polymer micro-ring resonators.” Nano Convergence 10, no. 1 (2023): 30. (Link)
  • Zhang, Pengpeng, Raymond Fang, Tingwei Zhang, Hao F. Zhang, and Cheng Sun. “OCT imaging-driven 3D printing of customized contact lens.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64, no. 8 (2023): 3535-3535. (Link)
  • Hai, Rihan, Guangbin Shao, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Evan Hunter Jones, and Cheng Sun. “3D Printing a Low‐Cost Miniature Accommodating Optical Microscope.” Advanced Materials 35, no. 20 (2023): 2208365. (Link)
  • Brenner, Benjamin, Cheng Sun, Françisco M. Raymo, and Hao F. Zhang. “Spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy: applications and prospective.” Nano convergence 10, no. 1 (2023): 14. (Link)
  • Song, Ki-Hee, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Design strategy for a dual-wedge prism imaging spectrometer in spectroscopic nanoscopy.” Review of Scientific Instruments 94, no. 2 (2023). (Link)


    • Ware, H. O. T., Y. Ding, C. Collins, B. Akar, N. Akbari, H. Wang, C. Duan, G. Ameer, and C. Sun. “In situ formation of micro/nano phase composite for 3D printing clinically relevant bioresorbable stents.” Materials Today Chemistry 26 (2022): 101231. (Link)
    • Ding, Yonghui, Rao Fu, Caralyn Paige Collins, Sarah‐Fatime Yoda, Cheng Sun, and Guillermo A. Ameer. “3D‐Printed radiopaque bioresorbable stents to improve device visualization.” Advanced healthcare materials 11, no. 23 (2022): 2201955. (Link)
    • Keate, Rebecca L., Joshua Tropp, Caralyn P. Collins, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Anthony J. Petty, Guillermo A. Ameer, Cheng Sun, and Jonathan Rivnay. “3D‐Printed Electroactive Hydrogel Architectures with Sub‐100 µm Resolution Promote Myoblast Viability.” Macromolecular bioscience 22, no. 8 (2022): 2200103. (Link)
    • Qiangzhou Rong, Youngseop Lee, Yuqi Tang, Tri Vu, Carlos Taboada, Wenhan Zheng, Jun Xia, David A. Czaplewski, Hao F. Zhang, Cheng Sun, et al. High-Frequency 3D Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Using an Optical Microring Resonator. BME Front. 2022 (2022):9891510. (Link)
    • Song, Ki-Hee, Benjamin Brenner, Wei-Hong Yeo, Junghun Kweon, Zhen Cai, Yang Zhang, Youngseop Lee, Xusan Yang, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Monolithic dual-wedge prism-based spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy.” Nanophotonics 11, no. 8 (2022): 1527-1535. (Link)
    • Kweon, Junghun, Yang Zhang, Raymond Fang, Cheng Sun, Jeffrey L. Goldberg, and Hao Zhang. “Multiscale imaging of mouse corneal endothelial cell damage induced by elevated intraocular pressure.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63, no. 7 (2022): 2741-A0230. (Link)


  • Shao, Guangbin, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Jigang Huang, Rihan Hai, Longqiu Li, and Cheng Sun. “3D printed magnetically-actuating micro-gripper operates in air and water.” Additive Manufacturing 38 (2021): 101834. (link)
  • Huang, Jigang, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Rihan Hai, Guangbin Shao, and Cheng Sun. “Conformal geometry and multimaterial additive manufacturing through freeform transformation of building layers.” Advanced Materials 33, no. 11 (2021): 2005672. (link)
  • Cai, Zhen, Yang Zhang, Zheyuan Zhang, Ki-Hee Song, Lisa Beckmann, Ali Djalilian, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Super-resolution imaging of flat-mounted whole mouse cornea.” Experimental eye research 205 (2021): 108499. (link)
  • Zhang, Yang, Yu Zhang, Ki-Hee Song, Wei Lin, Cheng Sun, George C. Schatz, and Hao F. Zhang. “Investigating single-molecule fluorescence spectral heterogeneity of rhodamines using high-throughput single-molecule spectroscopy.” The journal of physical chemistry letters 12, no. 16 (2021): 3914-3921. (link)
  • Brenner, Benjamin, Ki-Hee Song, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Improving spatial precision and field-of-view in wavelength-tagged single-particle tracking using spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy.” Applied optics 60, no. 13 (2021): 3647-3658. (link)
  • Zhang, Yang, Zhen Cai, Lisa Beckmann, Cheng Sun, and Hao Zhang. “Multi-scale imaging of mouse corneas using optical coherence tomography and single-molecule localization microscopy.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62, no. 8 (2021): 367-367. (link)


  • Shao, Guangbin, Rihan Hai, and Cheng Sun. “3D printing customized optical lens in minutes.” Advanced Optical Materials 8, no. 4 (2020): 1901646. (link)
  • Liu, Dong, Yu-Liang Hong, Ren-Hao Fan, Hao Jing, Ru-Wen Peng, Yun Lai, Xian-Rong Huang, Cheng Sun, and Mu Wang. “Bendable disordered metamaterials for broadband terahertz invisibility.” Optics Express 28, no. 3 (2020): 3552-3560. (link)
  • Zhang, Xian, Lisa Beckmann, David A. Miller, Guangbin Shao, Zhen Cai, Cheng Sun, Nader Sheibani et al. “In vivo imaging of Schlemm’s canal and limbal vascular network in mouse using visible-light OCT.” Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 61, no. 2 (2020): 23-23. (link)
  • Davis, Janel L., Yang Zhang, Sijia Yi, Fanfan Du, Ki-Hee Song, Evan A. Scott, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Super-resolution imaging of self-assembled nanocarriers using quantitative spectroscopic analysis for cluster extraction.” Langmuir 36, no. 9 (2020): 2291-2299. (link)
  • Hai, Rihan, Guangbin Shao, and Cheng Sun. “Micro-continuous liquid interface production 3D printing of customized optical components in minutes.” In Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XIII, vol. 11292, pp. 126-135. SPIE, 2020. (link)
  • Shao, Guangbin, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Longqiu Li, and Cheng Sun. “Rapid 3D printing magnetically active microstructures with high solid loading.” Advanced Engineering Materials 22, no. 3 (2020): 1900911. (link)
  • Song, Ki-Hee, Yang Zhang, Benjamin Brenner, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “Symmetrically dispersed spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy.” Light: Science & Applications 9, no. 1 (2020): 92. (link)
  • Wang, Chen, Shuangcheng Yu, Xiaoru Guo, Tucker Kearney, Peijun Guo, Robert Chang, Junhong Chen, Wei Chen, and Cheng Sun. “Maximizing solar energy utilization through multicriteria pareto optimization of energy harvesting and regulating smart windows.” Cell Reports Physical Science 1, no. 7 (2020). (link)
  • Jing, Hao, Ruwen Peng, Ren-Min Ma, Jie He, Yi Zhou, Zhenqian Yang, Cheng-Yao Li et al. “Flexible ultrathin single-crystalline perovskite photodetector.” Nano letters 20, no. 10 (2020): 7144-7151. (link)
  • Davis, Janel L., Brian Soetikno, Ki-Hee Song, Yang Zhang, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang. “RainbowSTORM: an open-source ImageJ plug-in for spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy (sSMLM) data analysis and image reconstruction.” Bioinformatics 36, no. 19 (2020): 4972-4974. (link)
  • Dong, Biqin, Ki-Hee Song, Janel L. Davis, Hao F. Zhang, and Cheng Sun. “Sub‐10 nm Distance Measurements between Fluorophores using Photon‐Accumulation Enhanced Reconstruction.” Advanced photonics research 1, no. 2 (2020): 2000038. (link)


  • Amir Vahabikashi, Ariel Gelman, Biqin Dong, Lihua Gong, Elliott DK Cha, Margit Schimmel, Ernst R Tamm, Kristin Perkumas, W Daniel Stamer, Cheng Sun, Hao F Zhang, Haiyan Gong, Mark Johnson, “Increased stiffness and flow resistance of the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal in glaucomatous human eyes,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(52), 26555-26563 (2019) (link)
  • Guangbin Shao, Rihan Hai, Cheng Sun, “3D Printing Customized Optical Lens in Minutes,” Advanced Optical Materials, Published Online, (2019) (link)
  • Zheyuan Zhang, Yang Zhang, Leslie Ying, Cheng Sun, Hao F Zhang, “Machine-learning based spectral classification for spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy,” Optics letters, 44 (23), 5864-5867, (2019) (link)
  • Hao Li, Biqin Dong, Xian Zhang, Xiao Shu, Xiangfan Chen, Rihan Hai, David A Czaplewski, Hao F Zhang, Cheng Sun, “Disposable ultrasound-sensing chronic cranial window by soft nanoimprinting lithography,” Nature communications, 10(1), 1-9, (2019) (link)
  • Henry Oliver T Ware, Cheng Sun, “Method for Attaining Dimensionally Accurate Conditions for High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Printing Ceramic Composite Structures Using MicroCLIP Process,” Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 7(3), JMNM-18-1034, (2019) (link)
  • Ki-Hee Song, Yang Zhang, Gaoxiang Wang, Cheng Sun, Hao F Zhang, “Multicolor super-resolution imaging using spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy with optimal spectral dispersion,” Optica, 6 (6), 709-715, (2019) (link)
  • Yang Zhang, Ki-Hee Song, Biqin Dong, Janel L Davis, Guangbin Shao, Cheng Sun, Hao F Zhang, “Three-dimensional biplane spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy,” Applied optics, 58 (9), 2248-2255, (2019) (link)


  • Ki-Hee Song, Biqin Dong, Cheng Sun, Hao F Zhang, “Theoretical analysis of spectral precision in spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 89 (12), 123703, (2019)
  • Adam Eshein, Yue Li, Biqin Dong, Luay M. Almassalha, John E. Chandler, The-Quyen Nguyen, Karl A. Hujsak, Vinayak P. Dravid, Cheng Sun, Hao F. Zhang, and Vadim Backman, “Sub-10 nm Imaging of Nucleic Acids Using Spectroscopic Intrinsic-Contrast Photon-Localization Optical Nanoscopy (SICLON),” Optics Letters, in press (2018)
  • Yang Zhang, Ki-hee Song, Sicheng Tang, Luaura Ravelo, Janet Cusido, Cheng Sun, Hao F. Zhang, and Francisco M. Raymo, “Far-red photoactivatable BODIPYs for the super-resolution imaging of live cells,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 12741-12745 (2018)
  • Janel L. Davis, Biqin Dong, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang, “Method to identify and minimize artifacts induced by fluorescent impurities in single- molecule localization microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 23, 106501 (2018)
  • Biqin Dong, Janel L. Davis, Cheng Sun, and Hao F. Zhang, “Spectroscopic analysis beyond the diffraction limit,” International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 101, 113-117 (2018)
  • Xiangfan Chen, Wenzhong Liu, Biqin Dong, Jongwoo Lee, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Hao F. Zhang, & Cheng Sun, “High-speed 3D printing millimeter-size customized aspheric imaging lenses with sub-7 nm surface roughness”, Advanced Materials, 30(18), 1705683, (2018) (link) (Cover image) Featured news article
  • Qiu Hong Cui, Qian Peng, Yi Luo, Yuqian Jiang, Yongli Yan, Cong Wei, Zhigang Shuai, Cheng Sun, Jiannian Yao, & Yong Sheng Zhao, “Asymmetric photon transport in organic semiconductor nanowires through electrically controlled exciton diffusion”, Science Advances, 4(3), 9861, (2018) (link)
  • Henry Oliver T. Ware, Adam C.Farsheed, Banu Akar, Chongwen Duan, Xiangfan Chen, Guillermo Ameer, & Cheng Sun, “High-speed on-demand 3D printed bioresorbable vascular scaffolds”, Materialstoday ChemistryVol. 7, 25-34, (2018) (link)
    Highlighted in Metal Powder Report – Materials Today (link)


  • Banu Akar, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Adam C.Farsheed, Chongwen Duan, Xiangfan Chen, Cheng Sun, & Guillermo Ameer, “Mechanically Functional 3D-Printed Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds”, Tissue EngineeringA23, S14, (2017)
  • Ying Li, Evan Baker, Tim Reissman, Cheng Sun, & Wing kam Liu, “Design of mechanical metamaterials for simultaneous vibration isolation and energy harvesting”, Applied Physics Letters, 111(25), 251903 (2017) (link)
  • Dou Yu, Omar F. Khan, Mario L. Suvà, Biqin Dong, Wojciech K. Panek, Ting Xiao, Meijing Wu, Yu Han, Atique U. Ahmed, Irina V. Balyasnikova, Hao F. Zhang, Cheng Sun, Robert Langer, Daniel G. Anderson, Maciej S. Lesniak, “Multiplexed RNAi therapy against glioblastoma stem cells via sustained lipopolymeric nanoparticle delivery delays tumor progression,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, in press (2017) (link)
  • Biqin Dong, Brian T. Soetikno, Xiangfan Chen, Vadim Backman, Cheng Sun, & Hao F. Zhang, “Parallel three-dimensional tracking of quantum rods using polarization-sensitive spectroscopic photon localization microscopy,” ACS Photonics, 4 (7), 1747-1752, 2017. (link)
  • Shuangcheng Yu, Yichi Zhang, Chen Wang, Biqin Dong, Teri W. Odom, Cheng Sun, & Wei Chen, “Characterization and design of functional quasi-random nanostructured materials using spectral density function”, Journal of Mechanical Design, 139 (7), 071401, 2017. (link)
  • Shuangcheng Yu, Chen Wang, Yichi Zhang, Biqin Dong, Zheng Jiang, Xiangfan Chen, Wei Chen & Cheng Sun, “Design of Non-Deterministic Quasi-random Nanophotonic Structures Using Fourier Space Representations”, Scientific Report, 7(1), 3752, 2017. (link)
  • Xiao Shu, Hao Li, Biqin Dong, Cheng Sun, & Hao F Zhang, “Quantifying melanin concentration in retinal pigment epithelium using broadband photoacoustic microscopy”, Biomedical Optics Express, 8 (6), 28151-2865, 2017. (link)
  • Lian Duan, Michael D McRaven, Wenzhong Liu, Xiao Shu, Jianmin Hu, Cheng Sun, Ronald S Veazey, Thomas J Hope, Hao F Zhang, “Colposcopic imaging using visible-light optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22 (5), 056003, 2017. (link)
  • Guillermo Ameer, Banu Akar, & Cheng Sun, 3D-printed bioresorbable vascular scaffolds: an important step towards personalizing vascular medical devices?”, Expert Review of Precision Medicine And Drug Development, 2017. (link)
  • Xiangfan Chen, Henry Oliver T. Ware, Evan Baker, Weishen Chu, Jianmin Hu, & Cheng Sun, “The development of an all-polymer-based piezoelectric photocurable resin for additive manufacturing””, Procedia CIRP, 65, 157-162, 2017. (link)
  • Henry Oliver T. Ware, Adam C.Farsheed, Evan Baker, Guillermo Ameer, & Cheng Sun, “Fabrication speed optimization for high-resolution 3D-printing of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds”, Procedia CIRP, 65, 131-138, 2017. (link)
  • Henry Oliver T. Ware, Wenzhong Liu, Jianmin Hu, Hao F. Zhang, & Cheng Sun, “Methodology for Image-driven High-resolution Additive Manufacturing Using Discretized Data Set”, Procedia CIRP, 65, 139-144, 2017. (link)
  • Cheng Sun, “Metasurface lens: Shrinking the camera size”, Nature Materials, 16, no.1, p11-12, 2017. (link)
  • Biqin Dong, Cheng Sun, & Hao F. Zhang, “Optical Detection of Ultrasound in Photoacoustic Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64, no. 1, 4-15, 2017. (link)


  • Andre Childs*, Hao Li*, Daniella M. Lewittes, Biqin Dong, Wenzhong Liu, Xiao Shu, Cheng Sun, & Hao F. Zhang, “Fabricating customized hydrogel contact lens”, Scientific Reports 6 (2016): 34095. (link)
  • Biqin Dong*, Xiangfan Chen*, Fan Zhou, Chen Wang, Hao F. Zhang, & Cheng Sun, “Gigahertz All-Optical Modulation Using Reconfigurable Nanophotonic Metamolecules”, Nano letters 16.12 (2016): 7690-7695. (link)
  • Robert van Lith, Evan Baker, Henry Ware, Jian Yang, Adam Cyrus Farsheed, Cheng Sun, & Guillermo Ameer, “3D-printing strong high-resolution antioxidant bioresorbable vascular stents”, Advanced Materials Technologies, in press, 2016. (link)
  • Xiangfan Chen, Peijun Guo, Cheng He, Biqin Dong, Leonidas E. Ocola, Richard D. Schaller, Robert P. H. Chang, & Cheng Sun, “Scaling the Artificial Polariton Bandgap at Infrared Frequencies using Indium-Tin-Oxide Nanorod Arrays”, Advanced Optical Materials,, Published Online, 2016. (link)
  • Biqin Dong, Siyu Chen, Fan Zhou, Christina Chan, Ji Yi, Hao F. Zhang, & Cheng Sun, ” Real-time Functional Analysis of Inertial Microfluidic Devices via Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”, Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 33250, 2016. (link)
  • Biqin Dong*, Luay Almassalha*, Yolanda Stypula-Cyrus, Ben E. Urban, T. Quyen Nguyen, Cheng Sun, Hao F. Zhang, & Vadim Backman, “Super-resolution intrinsic fluorescence imaging of chromatin utilizing native, unmodified nucleic acids for contrast”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Vol. 113 No. 35, 9716–9721, 2016. (linkFeatured news article
  • Biqin Dong*, Luay Almassalha*, Ben E. Urban*, T. Quyen Nguyen*, Satya Khuon, Teng-Leong Chew, Vadim Backman, Cheng Sun, & Hao F. Zhang, “Super-resolution spectroscopic microscopy via photon localization”, Nature Communications, 7, 12290, 2016. (linkFeatured news article
  • Ben E. Urban, Biqin Dong, Quyen Nguyen, Vadim Backman, Cheng Sun, & Hao F. Zhang, ” Subsurface super-resolution imaging of unstained polymer nanostructures”, Scientific Reports, 6, 28156, 2016. (link)
  • S. M. Wang, Q. Q. Cheng, Y. X. Gong, P. Xu, C. Sun, L. Li, T. Li & S. N. Zhu, ” A 14 × 14 μm2 footprint polarization-encoded quantum controlled-NOT gate based on hybrid waveguide”, Nature Communications, 7, Article number: 11490, 2016. (link)
  • F. Zhou, W. Cao, B. Dong, T. Reissman, W. Zhang, & C. Sun, ” Additive Manufacturing of a Three-Dimensional Terahertz Gradient-Refractive Index Lens”, Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 4, No. 7, 1034–1040, 2016. (linkFeatured news article
  • F. Zhou, C. Wang, B. Dong, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, & C. Sun, ” Scalable nanofabrication of U-shaped nanowire resonators with tunable optical magnetism”, Opt. Express, 24, 6367-6380, 2016. (link)


  • S. Nathamgari, B. Dong, F. Zhou, W. Kang, J. P. Giraldo-Vela, T. McGuire, R. McNaughton, C. Sun, J. Kessler, & H. D. Espinosa, ” Isolating single cells in a neurosphere assay using inertial microfluidics”, Lab on a Chip, 15, 4591-4597, 2015. (link)
  • B. Dong, H. Li, Z. Zhang, K. Zhang, S. Chen, C. Sun, & H. F. Zhang, ” Isometric multimodal photoacoustic microscopy based on optically transparent micro-ring ultrasonic detection”, Optica, 2, pp.169-176, 2015. (link)
  • S. Chen, J. Yi, B. Dong, C. Sun, P. Kiser, T. Hope, H. F. Zhang, “Imaging endocervical mucus anatomy and dynamics in macaque female reproductive track using optical coherence tomography”, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery,, 5, 40-45, (2015). (link)
  • X. Chen, C. Wang, E. Baker, &C. Sun, ” Numerical and experimental investigation of light trapping effect of nanostructured diatom frustules”, Scientific Reports, 5,(2015) ( link)
  • P. Ahn, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, M. Ford, D. Rosenmann, W. Jung, C. Sun, & O. Balogun, ” Dynamic near-field optical interaction between oscillating nanomechanical structures”, Scientific Reports, 5, 2015. (link)
  • J. Lu, C. Sun, & Q. J. Wang, ” Mechanical Simulation of a Diatom Frustule Structure”, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 12(1), pp. 98-108, 2015. (link)
  • J. Deng, K. Rorschach, E. Baker, C. Sun, & W. Chen, ” Topology optimization and fabrication of low frequency vibration energy harvesting microdevices”, Smart Materials and Structures, 24(2), 025005, 2015. (link)



  • A. J. Smith, C. Wang, D. Guo, C. Sun, & J. Huang , ” Repurposing Blu-ray movie discs as quasi-random nanoimprinting templates for photon management “, Nature Communications, 5, 5517, 2014. (link) Featured news article
  • Z. Zhang, B. Dong, H. Li, F. Zhou, H. F. Zhang, C. Sun, ” Theortical and experimental studies of distance dependent rersponse of micro-ring resonator-based ultrasonic detectors for photoacoustic microscopy”, J. of Appl. Phys., 116, 144501, 2014 (link)    (Cover image)
  • B. Dong, S. Chen, Z. Zhang, C. Sun, & H. F. Zhang, ” Photoacoustic probe using a microring resonator ultrasonic sensor for endoscopic applications”, Opt. Lett., Vol. 39, Issue 15, pp. 4372-4375, 2014. (link)
  • J. Kao, K. Thorkelsson, P. Bai, Z. Zhang, C. Sun, & T. Xu, ” Rapid fabrication of hierarchically structured supramolecular nanocomposite thin films in one minute”, Nature Communications, 5, 4053, 2014. (link)
  • S. Yu, C. Wang, C. Sun,& W. Chen, ” Topology optimization for light-trapping structure in solar cells”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 50, pp. 367–382 2014. (link)
  • I. H. Chao, L. Pan, C. Sun, X. Zhang, & A. S. Lavine, ” A Coupled Electromagnetic and Thermal Model for Picosecond and Nanometer Scale Plasmonic Lithography Process”, J. of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 2(3), 031003, 2014. (link)
  • S.C. Jiang, X. Xiong, Y.S. Hu, Y. H. Hu, G. B. Ma, R. W. Peng, C. Sun,& M. Wang, ” Controlling the Polarization State of Light with a Dispersion-Free Metastructure”, Phys. Rev. X, Vol. 4, 021026, 2014. (link)
  • H. Li, B. Dong, Z. Zhang, H. F. Zhang, & C. Sun, ” A transparent broadband ultrasonic detector based on an optical micro-ring resonator for photoacoustic microscopy”, Scientific Report, Vol. 4, 4496, 2014. (link)


  • C. He, X. C. Sun, Z. Zhang, C. S. Yuan, M. H. Lu, Y. F. Chen, & C. Sun, ” Nonreciprocal resonant transmission/reflection based on a one-dimensional photonic crystal adjacent to the magneto-optical metal film”, Optical Express, Vol.21, 28933-40, 2013. (link)
  • Z. Zhang, P. Ahn, B. Dong, O. Balogun, & C. Sun, ” Quantitative imaging of rapidly decaying evanescent fields using plasmonic near-field scanning optical microscopy”, Scientific Report, Vol. 3, 2803, 2013. (link)
  • P. Ahn, Z. Zhang, C. Sun, and O. Balogun, & C. Sun, “Ultrasonic near-field optical microscopy using a plasmonic nanofocusing probe”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, 234903, 2013.
  • Chen Wang, Shuangcheng Yu, Wei Chen, & C. Sun, ” Highly Efficient Light-Trapping Structure Design Inspired By Natural Evolution”, Scientific Report, Vol. 3, 1025, 2013. (link) Featured news article


  • Y. Bao, C. He, F. Zhou, C. Stuart, & C. Sun, “A realistic design of three-dimensional full cloak at terahertz frequencies”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, 031910, 2012. (link) Featured news article
  • E. Baker, T. Reissman, F. Zhou, C. Wang, K. Lynch, & C. Sun, “Microstereolithography of Three-Dimensional Polymeric Springs for Vibration Energy Harvesting”, Smart materials Research, Vol. 2012, 741835, 2012. (link)


  • L. Pan, Y. Park, Y. Xiong, E. Ulin-Avila, Y. Wang, L. Zeng, S. Xiong, J. Rho, C. Sun, D. B. Bogy & X. Zhang, “Maskless Plasmonic Lithography at 22 nm Resolution”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 1, 175, 2011. (link)
  • H. Okamoto, K. Yamaguchi, M. Haraguchi, T. Okamoto, & C. Sun, “Design of Plasmonic Racetrack Resonators with a Trench Structure”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 50 092201, 2011. (link)
  • F. Zhou, Y. Bao, W. Cao, C. T. Stuart, J. Gu, W. Zhang & C. Sun, “Hiding a Realistic Object Using a Broadband Terahertz Invisibility Cloak”, Scientific Reports, 1, Article number: 78, 2011. (link)


  • L. Cote, J. Kim, Z. Zhang, C. Sun and J. Huang, “Tunable Assembly of Graphene Oxide Surfactant Sheets: Wrinkles, Overlaps and Impacts on Thin Film Properties”, Soft Matter, 6, 6096-6101, 2010. (link)
  • Y. Zhao, P. Zhan, J. Kim, C. Sun and J. Huang, “Patterned Growth of Vertically Aligned Organic Nanowire Waveguide Arrays”, ACS Nano, Vol. 4 No. 3, p1630–1636, 2010. (link)
  • X. Xiong, W. Sun, Y. Bao, M. Wang, R. Peng, C. Sun, X. Lu, J. Shao, Z. Li, and N. Ming, “Construction of a chiral metamaterial with a U-shaped resonator assembly”, Phys. Rev. B 81, 075119, 2010. (link)
  • C. Sun, K. Su, J. Valentine, Y. T. Rosa-Bauza, J. A. Ellman, O. Elboudwarej, B. Mukherjee, C. S. Craik, M. A. Shuman, F. Chen and X. Zhang, “Time-Resolved Single-Step Protease Activity Quantification Using Nanoplasmonic Resonator Sensors”, ACS Nano, Vol. 4 No.2, p978-984, 2010.


  • X. Xiong, W. Sun, Y. Bao, R. Peng, M. Wang, C. Sun, X. Lu, J. Shao, Z. Li, and N. Ming, “Switching the electric and magnetic responses in a metamaterial”, Phys. Rev. B 80, 201105(R), 2009.
  • W. Srituravanich, L. Pan, Y. Wang, C. Sun, D. Bogy, X. Zhang, “Flying Plasmonic Lens at Near Field for High Speed Nano-lithography”, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol.3, 733, 2008.
  • Y. Wang, W. Srituravanich, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Plasmonic Nearfield Scanning Probe with High Transmission “, Nano Letters, 8 (9), 3041–3045, 2008.
  • J. Yao, Z. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, C. Sun, G. Bartal, A. Stacy and X. Zhang, “Optical Negative Refraction in Bulk Metamaterials”, Science, Vol.321, 930, 2008.
  • H. Lee, Z. Liu, Y. Xiong, C. Sun, X. Zhang, “Design, fabrication and characterization of a Far-field Superlens”, Solid State Communication, 146, 202, 2008.
  • S. Zhang, D. A. Genov, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Cloaking of Matter Waves”, Physical Review Letters, 100, 123002, 2008.
  • D. Wu, Z. Liu, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Super-Resolution Imaging by Random Adsorbed Molecule Probes”, Nano Letters, 8 (4), 1159–1162, 2008.
  • S. Wang, S. Szobota, Y. Wang, M. Volgraf, Z. Liu, C. Sun, D. Trauner, E. Y. Isacoff, and X. Zhang, “All Optical Interface for Parallel, Remote, and Spatiotemporal Control of Neuronal Activity”, Nano Letters, 7, 3859, 2007.
  • H. Lee, Z. Liu, Y. Xiong, C. Sun and X. Zhang, “Development of optical hyperlens for imaging below the diffraction limit”, Optics Express, 15, 15886, 2007.
  • Y. Xiong, Z. Liu, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Two-Dimensional Imaging by Far-Field Superlens at Visible Wavelengths”, Nano Letters, 7 (11), 3360-3365, 2007.
  • V. Fokin, M.Ambati, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Method for retrieving effective properties of locally resonant acoustic metamaterials”, Physical Review B, 76, 144302, 2007.
  • H. Liu, D. A. Genov, D. M. Wu, Y. M. Liu, Z. W. Liu, C. Sun, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “Magnetic plasmon hybridization and optical activity at optical frequencies in metallic nanostructures”, Physical Review B, 76, 073101, 2007.
  • X. Zhang, D. Wu, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Artificial phonon-plasmon polariton at the interface of piezoelectric metamaterials and semiconductors”, Physical Review B, 76, 085318, 2007.
  • Y. Xiong, Z. Liu, S. Durant, H. Lee, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Tuning the far-field superlens: from UV to visible”, Optics Express, 15, 7095, 2007.
  • Z. Liu, S. Durant, H. Lee, Y. Pikus, Y. Xiong, C. Sun and X. Zhang, “Experimental studies of far-field superlens for sub-diffractional optical imaging”, Optics Express, 15, 6947, 2007.
  • M. Ambati, N. Fang, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Surface resonant states and superlensing in acoustic metamaterials”, Physical Review B, 75, 195447, 2007.
  • Z. Liu, H. Lee, Y. Xiong, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Optical Hyperlens Magnifying Sub-diffraction-limited Objects”, Science, 315, 1686, 2007.
  • S. Wang, D. Pile, C. Sun, X. Zhang, “Nano-pin plasmonic resonator arrays and its optical properties”, Nano Letters, 7 (4), 1076 -1080, 2007.
  • J. Mai, C. Sun, S. Li, and X. Zhang, “A Microfabricated Platform Probing Cytoskeleton Dynamics Using Multidirectional Topographical Cues”, Biomedical Microdevices, 9 (4), 523-531, 2007.
  • W. Wu, E. Kim, E. Ponizovskaya, Y. Liu, Z. Yu , N. Fang, Y. Shen, A. Bratkovsky, W. Tong, C. Sun, X. Zhang, S. Wang and S. Williams, “Optical metamaterials at near and mid-IR range fabricated by nanoimprint lithography”, Applied Physics. A, 87, 143, 2007.
  • W. Wu, Y. Liu, E. Kim, Z. Yu, N. Fang, C. Sun, X. Zhang, R. Shen, S. Wang and S. Williams, “Optical Metamaterials at Mid-IR Range Fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography”, Applied Physics Letter, 90, 063107, 2007.
  • Y. Liu, N. Fang, D. Wu, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Symmetric and antisymmetric modes of electromagnetic resonators”, Applied Physics A, 82, 171, 2007.
  • Z. Liu, S. Durant, H. Lee, Y. Pikus, N. Fang, Y. Xiong, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Far-field Optical Superlens Microscopy”, Nano Letters, 7, 403, 2007.
  • Z. Liu, S. Durant, H. Lee, Y. Xiong, Y. Pikus, C. Sun and X. Zhang, “Near-field Moire effect mediated by surface plasmon polariton excitation”, Optics Letters, 32, 629, 2007.
  • H. Liu, D. Genov, D. Wu, Y. Liu, J Steele, C. Sun, S. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “Magnetic plasmon propagation along a chain of connected subwavelength resonators at infrared frequencies”, Physics Review Letters, 97, 243902, 2006.
  • N. Fang, D. Xi, J. Xu, M. Ambati, W. Srituravanich, C. Sun and X. Zhang, 2006 “Ultrasonic Metamaterials with Negative Stiffness”, Nature Materials, Vol.5 p452, 2006.
  • D. Wu, N. Fang, C. Sun, X. Zhang, “ Stiction problems in releasing of 3D microstructures and its solution”, Sensors and Actuators A, v128, p109, 2006.
  • K. Su, S. Durant, J. M. Steele, Y. Xiong, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Raman Enhancement Factor of a Single Tunable Nanoplasmonic Resonator”, J. Physical Chemistry. B, v110(9); p3964, 2006.
  • W. Srituravanich, S. Durant, H. Lee, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Deep subwavelength nanolithography using localized surface plasmons on planar silver mask”, J. Vacuum Science & Technology B 23(6), pp2636-2639, 2005.
  • H. Lee, Y. Xiong, N. Fang, W. Srituravanich, S. Durant, M. Ambati, C. Sun and X. Zhang, “Realization of optical superlens imaging below the diffraction limit”, New J. Physics, 7, 255, 2005.
  • N. Fang, H. Lee, C. Sun, X. Zhang, “Sub-Diffraction-Limited Optical Imaging with a Silver Superlens”, Science, Vol 308, 2005,pp534-537, 2005.
  • C. Sun, N. Fang, D.M. Wu and X. Zhang, “Projection micro-stereolithography using digital micro-mirror dynamic mask”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 121, Issue 1, pp113-120, 2005.
  • Z. Liu, J. M. Steele, W. Srituravanich, Y. Pikus, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, “Focusing Surface Plasmons with a Plasmonic Lens”, Nano Letters, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp1726-1729, 2005.
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  • N. Fang, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, 2004, “Diffusion-Limited Photo Polymerization in Scanning Micro-Stereolithography”, Applied Physics A, Vol. 79 (8), 1839, 2004.
  • W. Srituravanich, N. Fang, C. Sun, and X. Zhang, 2004, “Plasmonic Nanolithography”, Nano Letters, Vol. 4(6), p1085, 2004.
  • X. Zhang, C. Sun, N. Fang, “Manufacturing at Nanoscale: Top-down, Bottom-up and System Engineering”, J. Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 6 (1), p125, 2004.
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Book Chapters


  • Ware, Henry Oliver Tenadooah, Rihan Hai, and Cheng Sun. “Vat Photopolymerization.” In Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing, pp. 349-370. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  • Zhang, X., Ambati, M., Fang, N., Lee, H., Liu, Z., Sun, C. and Xiong, Y., “Optical superlens” in Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics, Kik, P. G. and Brongersma, M. L. (Editors) Springer (2007).